Cindy and Christian asked me for a catholic wedding at lake Maggiore, their location was already fixed, the charming Villa Margherita in Oggebbio. My proposal was to celebrate the church wedding in the roman chapel Sant’Agata in Novaglio near Oggebbio. This chapel was rebuilt and restored by the parish of Oggebbio and so the local …
Cindy und Christian haben mich um die Organisation Ihrer katholischen Trauung am Lago Maggiore gebeten. Verliebt hatten Sie sich schon in die Location Villa Margherita in Oggebbio. Mein Vorschlag war die romanische Kirche S. Agata in Novaglio, eine von der Gemeinde restaurierte romanische Kirche, an welcher der dortige Pfarrer sehr viel selbst mitgewirkt hatte und …
Louise and Robert knew exactly what they wanted: to get married at Orta, a small and very pittoresque village at Lake Orta. Fascinating because of its beauty, its small streets with cafes and little shops, the religious island San Giulio right in front of the main square. We arranged the civil wedding at the historique …
Louise und Robert wussten, was sie wollten: in Orta heiraten. Ein kleiner und wunderschòner Ort am Ortasee. Faszinierend fuer seine Schònheit, die kleinen Gassen, die vielen Shops und Cafes und die kleine Insel San Gulio direkt vor dem Hauptplatz. Wir haben die standesamtliche Trauung im historischen Standesamt, auch Villa Bossi genannt, organisiert. Bei schònem Wetter …
Do you remember about Cassy and Gary’s wedding a couple of years ago? They fell in love both with Lake Orta and Lake Maggiore and could not decide what to choose for their wedding. They ended with choosing both of them! This is what happened to Lucy and Mike! When they came over for their …
Verona is the synonym of the romantic idyll, of Romeo and Juliet. The heart of this romantic city recounted by Shakespeare is a just a jewel. You can tell looking at its infinite facets, wonderful cafes and historical monuments, winding cobblestone streets, churches, squares, castle and slow river that flows through it. Elegance of the …
Side of Lake Maggiore and close to Milan and its Malpensa airport there is a wonderful villa: Villa Rocchetta! These features make Villa Rocchetta a unique venue for your wedding on Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta areas. It is also close to one of most evocative Italian churches: Eremo (Hermitage) of St. Caterina del Sasso. …
…Jennifer and Theodore gifted themselves a romantic wedding day on Como lake, in a wonderful private villa in Cernobbio. They both came from United States and chose to celebrate their special day on Lake Como a real dream! They enjoyed the whole day, from ceremony to final dancing party, in this gorgeous villa, a wonderful …
Britta from Creative Wedding – Italian Lakes Wedding tries to explain what a wedding planner needs to know to give good advice and a first cost overview. It is always nice to get the emails from a future bride or groom, so I am excited and want to start immediately to write back to them …