If you love children and like their smiles and happiness, their presence will surely add a touch of brightness to your wedding.
For your wedding, on Lake Garda you can find many suitable venues for your little guests: enchanted castles where they can be young pirates and princesses, and large gardens to run around and have fun.
As far as the the ceremony it could be a good idea give children some small but important roles: they will be involved in the event and at the same time you could give them a sense of responsibility by explaining the importance of the day.
According to tradition, flower girls and ring bearers are always in even number, preferably two or four. They are usually are relatives or friends’ children of the couple, but they could be your own children too!??The ideal age is between four and eight years, so they can perform their duties with the necessary awareness of who has an important role.??Flower girls open the bridal procession carrying a basket of petals that she will scatter at the passage of the bride. As an alternative she can have small bouquet or a lovely and romantic crown of flowers.
She is usually accompanied by the ring bearer. He holds the rings cushion. Ring bearer’s ideal age could be six years old.
Bride can be followed by two other girls, who will hold the veil, while pageboys follow the girls.??At end of the ceremony, pageboys and flower girls reopen the wedding procession for the exit from the Church.
Of course we are only talking about children but we let’s not forget about bridesmaids!
Team will come back on this with another wonderful post on bridesmaids’ role!?
They could also be involved in other moments of the day!
During the reception they can help the bride and groom with wedding favors and sugared almonds giving to your guests!
Wha about the ideal dresses for flower girls and pageboys? Surely they should be in the same style of the theme of the wedding, but they should be also comfortable for them! Remember that they are children and they would surely like to run and play the rest of the day!??For winter weddings velvet is advised but in summer, the ideal choice is surely cotton, with pastel colours, the flowered muslin and laces.??In their hair of flower girls a wreath, a hair clip with a fresh flower or a satin ribbon will complete the look.
Here some suggestion from the web:
Whatever your choice will be, it is important to keep the same look and feel of the day matching style and color you’ve chosen.
But do not forget about the freshness and joy children needs to have in such an important day like a wedding!
During the reception you could consider to reserve a table just for them so they could have more fun and stay all together. You could also arrange a play ground area with a fun entertainer just for them!
Children menu is always advised with something they could like like french fires and ice creams!??Do not forget about children photos! Not the formal ones but candid and natural.
Your wedding day on Lake Garda will remain in your and their over the years!
We will be happy to help to find the right location for your little guests too, entertainers, babysitters, and any other service that could create an enjoyable day for adults and children, too!

They can help and support you for a dream wedding on other wonderful locations such as Venice, Verona and Veneto gorgeous countryside where you could taste some of best wines of Italy.
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